In a new video/story for 6ABC, Marc Vetri spoke about the tenets of the Vetri Foundation’s Eatiquette program, as well as the Healthy Futures project:
“Renowned chef Marc Vetri was anxious to be part of Healthy Futures. As a dad, Vetri knew school lunches could use a nutritional boost. But he also thought the traditional lunchroom needed a makeover.
Vetri explains, “Social interaction was non-existent. Everyone was at these long tables.”
So, Vetri’s “Eatiquette” program uses mealtime to teach healthy eating and social skills and cooperation.
The academy’s CEO, Dr. Naomi Johnson Booker, couldn’t agree more. From the beginning, the school has had round tables, and adults as role models.
Booker says, “They can talk to one another. My staff is eating with them – I eat with them.”
She believes the atmosphere translates into better behavior, and students love taking part in setting up and serving.”
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