Say hello to Jaimie Field, the newest member of our Board of Directors! To help you get to know her more, we sat down with Jaimie to ask her a few quick questions as a part of a #VCPeople Q&A.
Q: So Jaimie, what do you do outside of your work with VCP? What is your background?
Currently, I am the Director of Sustainability at Entercom and also serve on the Board of Trustees at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I’ve always been very interested in art. In fact, I was an Art History major at Brown. To this day, I still love going to museums and am an avid collector. Otherwise, I also love being outdoors – hiking, biking, and even skiing and cross country in the winter. When I’m not outside, I enjoy cooking, reading, and playing games with my family.
Q: That’s so interesting! So is your love of cooking what attracted you to being on VCP’s Board?
In part, yes. I’m drawn to the work of VCP because I care deeply about the issue of children and families eating healthy. I think it’s so important that children learn how to cook and feel comfortable in the kitchen when they’re young so they can develop good nutritional habits that they can continue throughout their life. The medical costs of not doing this for both the individual and society are huge. My goal in joining the board is to help VCP have a greater impact in showing people how easy it can be to make nutritious meals at home with ingredients they have available to them.
Q: Alright, this is just a quick chat, so this is the last question. It’s a traditional one, but it is somewhat difficult – if you were a fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?
I guess I’d say a coconut. First, because it’s high up in a tree so it gets to see the sky and have nice views of nature, versus being a root vegetable and being stuck underground. Plus, I would get to live in a nice climate in the tropics, and I’m thinking with that hard shell I probably wouldn’t get eaten by bugs!