I cannot adequately describe in words what a wonderful start we had today to My Daughter’s Kitchen at Olney Elementary School. Each one of our boys presented themselves and behaved so maturely, I couldn’t have been more proud! They were all so excited to see that we had chef coats and aprons for them to wear!

They were meticulous in their measuring of ingredients and really prided themselves in their ability to follow the recipe and successfully cook the oatmeal. While my husband showed them proper handling of the knives, they boys took it all in quite seriously and each were able to demonstrate the basic cuts of slicing and dicing.
And when it finally came time to enjoy the fruits of their labor, they topped their bowls of oatmeal with delicious strawberries, bananas, apples, coconut, walnuts and brown sugar. [Olney Elementary School]principal, Michael Roth, stopped by and had a taste, too!
From their journals:
Terrence Graves, grade 7: “I like how the group is and I like our teachers and how they teach. I learned how to use a knife.”
Hasain Harrison, grade 6: “The organic oatmeal was so good and I love it.”
Kenneth Davila, grade 7: “I think “My Daughter’s Kitchen” is a really helpful program for kids to learn to cook, work together, and learn to enjoy healthy foods in different ways. In my opinion, I enjoyed cooking with people that I never met and I believe “My Daughter’s Kitchen” should be in every school.”
Josue Morales, grade 6: “I learned today how to make oatmeal and learned to cut and hold a knife. And I liked the oatmeal I think it was good.”
We can’t wait until next week!!!!!
— Che Che Bradbury
For more information about My Daughter’s Kitchen, click here or visit Philadelphia Inquirer food editor, Maureen Fitzgerald’s blog here.